Feel Better by Balancing Hormones, Lifestyle and Mindset

Feel Better by Balancing Hormones, Lifestyle and Mindset

A Few Things I Wish More Doctors Knew About Thyroid Treatment May 14, 2023

Hello everyone,

Today I want to tell you a few more things I wish more doctors knew about thyroid. These “pearls”, so to speak, are bits of the knowledge I use in my practice to help...

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5 Things I Wish More Doctors Knew About THYROID May 11, 2023

Hey, everyone,

Dr Gibbs checking in. I am so excited to announce that my new practice, Consultants in Metabolism, is coming along and should be open in June. The practice waitlist is open for...

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10 Things Patients Can Do to Help Improve Their Allergy Symptoms Mar 18, 2023
  1. Drink clean water/Water – filter, use a metal or glass container. No plastic containers. 
  2. Cut down or eliminate calorie and sweetened beverages– soda, “juice” or...
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What does THYROID have to do with ALLERGY? Part 2 Mar 03, 2023

Since many doctors are not aware, here are some technical details of how I manage patients I suspect have this thyroid imbalance problem. See part 1 to discover why I think this is important.


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What does THYROID have to do with ALLERGY? Part 1 Mar 02, 2023

You are reading the blog of Dana Gibbs MD, founder of Consultants in Metabolism.

Several doctor friends have recently expressed an interest in my method for optimizing thyroid for...

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Thyroid 101 Jan 31, 2023

Thyroid masses, thyroid enlargement, and disorders of function are topics I address every day in the office. There are many sources of information available on thyroid; most of what I will address...

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Allergy Med Management Discussion Mar 22, 2022

Hey Doc!  There are so many allergy and sinus medications. Which ones are right for me?

Have you ever walked down the aisle in the pharmacy looking for an otc allergy or sinus medicine? If you...

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What is Allergy and Why is It So Important to ENT Doctors? Apr 29, 2021

Today, I am going to discuss what does Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctors do, and why allergy is such an important part of that. 

Ear, Nose, and Throat.

ENT practice is a broad specialty...

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Dr. Gibbsā€™ ENT Allergy Clinic Description Mar 20, 2021


Shortly after beginning my Otolaryngology practice in Arlington, I came to recognize an unmet need in the community for an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) physician who also has an...

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The Surgeon Mindset Mar 10, 2021

I am an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist. After 20 years in private practice, I am still surprised every time someone gets to the end of a consultation in which I have offered surgery as the...

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