Feel Better by Balancing Hormones, Lifestyle and Mindset

Feel Better by Balancing Hormones, Lifestyle and Mindset

Graves Disease: An Integrative Approach Dec 08, 2023

Graves AIT is a less common type of thyroid autoimmune disease. This is a typical cause of elevated thyroid function or hypothyroidism, because the antibodies that are erroneously made directly...

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Straight talk about Armour thyroid Dec 08, 2023

So what’s all the fuss about Armour thyroid and how can it help to treat hypothyroidism?

Let's start of by defining what Armour Thyroid is. Many physicians and non-physician thyroid...

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Navigating Menopause: A Guide to Understanding and Managing the Transition Nov 30, 2023

Embarking on the menopausal journey is a natural part of a woman's life, marking the end of her reproductive years. While this transition is inevitable, the symptoms associated with menopause can...

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Embracing Change: A Friendly Guide to Early Menopause, On-Time, and Late Menopause Nov 30, 2023

Hey there! Today, let's chat about something every woman goes through – menopause.

It's a natural part of life that marks the end of our reproductive journey. But did you know there are...

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When "Normal" TSH Isn't Normal - New Endocrinology can Help! Nov 24, 2023

Thyroid sufferers take heart!

If you have frustrating symptoms like low energy, brain fog, and weight gain, but have been told your thyroid is fine, because your TSH and other “thyroid...

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Menopausal Hormone Therapy and the Womenā€™s Health Initiative Jun 28, 2023

If you are reading this and are not a physician, please keep in mind: Scientific proof is not nearly as black and white as people think, and In order to make treatment decisions for...

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Combatting the Hormonal Effect of Stress with Supplements Jun 22, 2023

A couple of weeks ago, I discussed how our brains perceive stress and stress affects our bodies, via our hormones. We also discussed how it is possible for our adrenals to get depleted of...

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3 Ways that Stress Throws Your Hormones Out of Balance Jun 01, 2023

If you are reading this and are not a physician, please keep in mind: this stuff is complex, especially if you are not trained in scientific language and the specific way doctors think about...

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Treating Hashimoto's and Reverse T3 May 24, 2023

If you are not a physician, please keep in mind: this stuff is complex, especially if you are not trained in scientific language and the specific way doctors think about medical issues. Scientific...

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